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We Go Together
A Rehearsal in Virtual Reality

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trailer v03 from David Lobser on Vimeo.

   Some people believe that moths are attracted to light because it interrupts their ability to navigate.

  In reality, the network of telephone poles has evolved the ability to control their minds.

  The moths are led to believe that their lives are not real and that their deaths are unimportant.

  We are moths. We emerge from moonlit fields and traverse a tangle of telephone poles. We listen to the sounds carried by the wires. We love the light, and we want to get closer to it.

  Lights shimmer in the distance and call to us. As we enter into the warm embrace of the light we are surrounded by cascading swirls of kaleidoscopic tendrils which beckon us closer and closer to the end, to the point at the center.

  Of course we won't reach that point, we will be reborn and given another chance to continue on our journey. We are many and we are all going together.

  Navigation is handled with head tracking. Fields of telephone poles are parametrically generated. In addition to light, the telephone poles emit auditory hums which, when combined together will produce a rich and textured aural atmosphere. Voices can also be heard over the telephone poles. The conversations will be parts of a story and the only way to connect the pieces of the story is to keep playing.

Please use headphones. Please keep dying until you reach the end.


Created by:
David Lobser

Lily Fang

Thanks to:
Scott Garner

Deirdre Barrett
Trevor Oswalt
Wyna Liu
David Lobser
Scott Garner

Additional Audio provided under a
creative commons license
Unicorn Music Box by: Joanna Geralyn
Straight Digeridoo by: Ignacio Dominguez
Grinder by: Gottlieb
Baby Crying by: Poisson Mort